Wednesday, March 12, 2014

A Birthday Letter to My Daughter!

As a tradition I began to write a birthday letter to Ari every year on her birthday. Last year's letter was sweet and very emotional because my baby was no longer a baby. This year I wanted to celebrate all of Ari's accomplishment. It is my hopes that as an adult she can read all of my letters and get a glimpse on how loved she is.

My Little Arianna,
Today you are two. Two! It’s unbelievable to think just two years ago you graced us with your presence. Honestly, I can’t even remember much of life before you because you are my entire life now and I can’t imagine ever being apart from you.
The past year has been crazy for you I can imagine. You have learned SO much, made lots of new friends, you moved to a new school, got rid of the paci, moved to a toddler bed and managed not to be disturbed one bit. You are becoming a little girl. You play pretend, laugh while singing your ABCs, dance to any sound of music, call every color ‘orange’ and you make faces to ham it up and make daddy and I laugh. You are obsessed with Dora and go into a dance whenever you hear the Dora theme song (even Daddy and I have memorized the song). It has gotten to the point that I try to avoid Dora at the stores because I know that you will immediately run to it screaming..."DORA."
But, you still love to give us hugs and kisses and I love to cuddle with you. I love that at night while you are watching your favorite show-Dora you enjoying cuddling with your daddy and I. Whenever you are near I breathe in the your sweet smell and vow to never forget these precious moments. Nearly daily, my eyes well with tears due to the awareness of how fast you’re growing. I apologize in advance for being “that mom” who cries at every school play and dance recital. I also apologize for being "that mom" that will go to school and make a complaint whenever I feel that the best is not being done to meet your needs.
Your language development has been astounding. Each day you amaze us with some new word of phrase. Your passion for books and reading is evidently helping. We giggle as you talk in true two-year-old fashion, and are so focus on getting your message across. Some of your other favorite phrases include: “That's not nice”, ”Hold it mommy” and ”My turn.” But the biggest heart-melter is how you’ve figured out how to say “I love you” and use it in context. When you look me in the eyes and say it, I turn into a little puddle of mush. I remember the first time you said I love you I could not even hold my tears from coming down. I hope you continue to keep such intense love for life in your heart as you grow into an adult.You also are starting to love to say “Mine.” Apparently, everything in our home belongs to you. I have to continue to remind you that I bought it so technically everything is ours (lol).
Watching the joy you have brought to your grandma, grandpa, aunts, uncles and even the family that is not blood but will do anything for you (our friends) has been so rewarding, too. You are SO incredibly loved by every single person who encounters you, and each leaves you happier than when they came. You are an abundant ray of sunshine; please keep sharing it with others.
I hope this year continues to fill you with happiness and that you continue to learn and grow from all the blessings that surround us. Thanks for continuing to show daddy and I how to really live. Through fun, laughter and your zest for life that is absolutely contagious. Continue being this intelligent, independent and sassy little gal and I have no doubt you will grow with the strength to move mountains! Mommy is so very proud of you!
Love you forever,  Thanks for being the best gift I’ve ever received.
Hugs & Kisses,

Arianna is 2!

I cannot believe that my little baby girl is officially 2 years old. Times flies! Even though I think I am beginning to get baby fever I am pleasantly ok with just enjoying watching my little diva grow into such a remarkable little girl. Now that things have settled a bit and I am enjoying my spring break I have time to give an update on Ari's 2nd birthday party. Overall, I am pleased with the turnout of little Ari's birthday party. This year I wanted for the hubby and I to truly enjoy the day with our baby girl and also with our guest. Therefore, we decided to go with Monkey Bizznes a local in door playground that with a fee could be rented out. It was such an organized celebration and the hubby
 and I got to truly enjoy the festivities!!! For the first hour the kids (and adults) played their little hearts out and the second hour we went to eat pizza and sing Happy Birthday to my precious little Ari. After a week of practicing how to blow a candle Ari was successful at blowing her own birthday candle. She truly enjoyed the fact that everyone was singing happy birthday to her...she loved the attention.


Even mommy had fun!


Monday, March 3, 2014

Disney's Pirate & Princess!


Yesterday, for an early celebration of Ari's 2nd birthday I took her to see PIrate & Princess live. I even had the hubby go buy Ari a Sofia shirt. I have to admit that I was very worried that Ari was not going to sit still. I imagined myself dragging a crying child out of the forum. However, I was pleasantly surprised when Ari sat there in pure enjoyment watching the show. 
I don't think she even blinked! It made me realized that we need to watch the Disney channel more often so she can become more familiar with the characters. I have to admit I was super excited to start attending super cute events with my growing girl. Overall, I give the show 4 stars. I think the Princess part was shorter than I expected. Also, the only princess that really took a part in the show was Sophia the 1st. Cinderella was on stage for for maybe a minute. Besides that the show was super cute and cannot wait for our next show. 
Afterwards we tried to take a picture of four 2 year olds... that was almost impossible (lol). 

Fun times! Let the memories continue...