Thursday, December 26, 2013

Great Christmas Day!

Whether you’re going to church or just spending time with your family, many people say it’s not about what’s under the tree, but what’s in your heart that matters most.Yesterday, was our second Christmas with our little bundle of joy. I must admit that Christmas gets better and better as our family continues to grow and Ari gets older. I think I was a bit more excited than the hubby and Ari!! Growing up Christmas was just another day in my life, nothing special, no traditions and so on. Now that I have my own family I have realized that Christmas has become a very sentimental holiday for me. I want the world for my daughter and I want her to remember the love that we share every day but especially on this holiday. I want to have traditions like marking off the days on an advent calendar, slipping into brand new pajamas Christmas Eve, and giving to those in need. This year, I added the Elf on the Shelf to the mix and I plan on adding additional traditions as Ari gets older and understands more. Building our own traditions will make this day very special. Our families live far away so its just our little family. My family normally sends gifts for us and calls to wish a merry Christmas and we tend to Skype and the hubby's family call t and wishes us Merry Christmas. I've learned that culturally we are different and celebrate this day in different ways. We also have great friends that love Ari who also send gifts for her. However, the coolest moment of Christmas was watching our little Ari open her gifts and be surprised over and over as she open her gifts. Her pure excitement and laughter is all worth it. Some people think I am spoiling her because I buy her gifts but truthfully I don't care! I will give my daughter everything I didn't have plus more because her reaction was priceless and that's all that matter.

I'm truly blessed to spend Christmas with those that I love!

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